Boquete, Panama in Photos – Beautiful!

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Boquete, Panama in Photos - Beautiful!

As I was looking at some of the pictures we’ve taken during our time so far in Panama, I realized that I haven’t shared enough of them with you. So today, I’m happy to present Boquete, Panama in photos for your enjoyment!

We’ve been lucky enough to be living in Boquete since 2019 and get to experience this beautiful place. But then, we also have the privilege of reliving it at night because all our photos show up as a screensaver on our living room TV. We mainly use a Roku Streaming Stick (which I absolutely love!) and we use the PhotoView channel to make this happen.

It’s fantastic to be able to look back and see how stunning it is there.

So that’s great for us, but it doesn’t help you at all! And that’s not fair at all – I want you to see more of this beautiful place, too!

So, ladies and gentlemen, I’m giving you something a little different today. For your viewing pleasure, I’m proud to present… Boquete, Panama in photos!

Be sure to click on any photo for a larger view. Hint: press the CTRL key while clicking on the photo and it’ll open in a new tab so you don’t lose your place.

Also, bear in mind that some of these were taken before the pandemic so don’t freak out from any crowds or non-mask photos.

Boquete, Panama in Photos – In and around town…

Boquete’s not a big town but it’s walkable and you can find most of what you’re looking for here. For the things you can’t find, you can make an hour trip to the larger city of David to get those items. Here are some of the photos in and around Boquete…

Stop and smell the roses… and other flowers!

Some of the flowers in Boquete, Panama I’ve seen in the U.S. before, but there are several that aren’t familiar to me. What I do like is that they’re everywhere and that adds some color to the lush greenery all over the place! Some are so vivid that they don’t even seem real.

Food and drink in Boquete

Even though they don’t formally do a census here that I’m aware of, I’ve heard a ballpark that the population of Boquete is around 35,000 people. That’s a small town, but they don’t skimp on the restaurants here – I believe there are about 75-85 of them!

You can find decent food that costs next-to-nothing, great middle-of-the-line dining, or even elegant dining. Most of the cuisine here is amazing and the prices are a lot less than we’d be paying in the U.S.

See if these get you hungry or thirsty…

Animals, bugs, creepy-crawlies, fish, and other fun!

We have some big freakin’ bugs here, no doubt about it! We also have cool little gecko lizards and cute coatimundis. If you’re an animal lover, you’ll love it (and there are a lot of animal lovers here!). I’m not in that boat (Lisa and Faith are though) but I’m still fascinated by all these creatures. And when you see a pickup truck drive by with a horse in its bed, you can’t help but do a double-take!

Parades, fireworks, dancing…

Panamanians aren’t opposed to a good party and some fireworks… they know how to do it here! Obviously, we didn’t have celebrations like this over the past year during the pandemic, but I hope we get to see more of this as the holidays roll around toward the end of this year… such fun!

Boquete, Panama in Photos – Beautiful views

I saved some of what makes this place so breath-taking for last. When you talk about seeing Boquete, Panama in photos, this is really what you need to see. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a “rainbow season” until we moved here!

Magnificent, right? And these photos are all just pictures we took in Bajo Boquete where we live – this doesn’t even include the outlying areas where we do a lot of our hiking.

For those of you who have never been to Panama before, I hope seeing Boquete, Panama in photos helps to show you just how beautiful it is. Boquete definitely has some things that are done differently than we’re used to in the U.S. – some better some worse. But either way, I love how lovely and charming this place is.

Plan well, take action, and live your best life!

Thanks for reading!!

— Jim

You know you wanna share this!!

10 thoughts on “Boquete, Panama in Photos – Beautiful!”

  1. Warren Johnson

    Beautiful photos. I especially liked the flowers and the inside of the library, one of my attractions to Boquete.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I see a few bugs and flowers I recognize even though we’re on a different continent!

    How are the sidewalks over there? I see some look good and some non-existent. Can you ride a bike around there quite safely? Are there bike paths or do you ride in the road, and how are local drivers? Is it quite safe to ride a bike, would you let Faith do it?

    You’ve got some stunning views too! How have you found walking around in Boquete, can you do it at night, quite safe? Any areas to watch out for?

    Don’t you just love it when the locusts/giant grasshoppers end up in your home =) I’ve had a few of those giant death-head moths (the one from Silence of the Lambs) fly into my house – looks a bit like that Hawk Moth you got there. They’re huge ! and knock things over!

    1. Good questions, Charlie! I think you nailed it on the sidewalks except I wouldn’t say that some are “good”… more like just ok. There aren’t many sidewalks there and when there are, they’re usually a mess. We’d love to get Faith a bike there but it’s just not a bike-friendly town. We’ve seen a few people biking during the past couple of years but they’re probably taking their lives into their own hands! 🙂

      When we first moved to Boquete, we were cautious about going out past dark just because we didn’t know the area. But we’ve learned that it’s really a safe neighborhood. Generally, we’re not out that late since we have a 10-year-old, but if we’re walking back after dark from a late dinner, there’s never been even a small amount of fear about our safety. That said, it only takes one bad apple, right? So I’m still always keeping an eye open for anything unusual, but that’s more just from common sense than anything.

      Haha, that’s crazy that you had one of those giant moths in your house. Even though she loves seeing things like that outside, I think Lisa would pack up our stuff if we ever had one inside! 😂

  3. Lovely photos Jim! Thanks for sharing them! Boquete really is a beautiful place!

    Hopefully I’ll get to visit it someday… if this pandemic ever clears up!

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