I first met the face behind Physician on FIRE at FinCon17. Not only did he turn out to be a good guy, but he was giving out koozies for free… I love free swag!
Physician on FIRE and I have a few things in common:
- Our blogs are both a handful of years old (mine started in 2015 and PoF’s in 2016)
- We’re both 43 – we’re aging like fine wines!
- We’ve both spent a little bit of time in Central America (PoF in Honduras and well, you probably already know about my trip!)
- We’re both funny guys (well, we both think we’re funny guys!).
- We both enjoy a good brew… I mean look at the photo on this page. By combining his koozie with my Great Lakes Christmas Ale, we’ve created a masterpiece!
So when Physician on FIRE asked me if I’d be interested in being a part of his Christopher Guest Post series, do you think I was interested? Damn skippy, I was!
What’s a Christopher Guest Post you ask?
Well, you’ll have to check out the link at the end of this post to find out. But it did give me a great opportunity to answer a number of questions from the one and only anesthesiologist himself!
My favorite part of this series is the commentary that Physician on Fire scatters throughout. He’s got a sense of humor that makes me laugh out loud sometimes.
My only regret is that we didn’t get to have this conversation over a couple beers. Maybe I can convince him to visit us in Panama sometime and we can drink a bucket or two of cervezas there. Hopefully, he’ll bring a few more koozies to dish out as well!
Check it out and let me know what you think…
Physician on FIRE Christopher Guest Post: Route to Retire
Thanks for reading!!
— Jim