Hey everyone – just wanted to let you know about an interview I just did for Tim Pittman at FIRE Stories.
FIRE Stories is a newer site that Tim started just this past January. He interviews folks who have achieved financial independence and retired early. His aim is to determine how they got to where they are today, what mistakes they’ve made along the way, and garner advice on how to start adopting the FIRE mindset.
I didn’t know Tim when he approached me, but I really liked the mission of the site so I happily agreed to be a part of it. We’ve only talked through email, but he seems like a great guy and I’ll be following his site to watch it grow.
He’s already posted a number of other great interviews out there with some fantastic members of the FIRE community. I was honored to be joining the ranks of them!
My favorite part of the interview was when he asks about the mistakes we’ve made along the way and what we can learn from them. Mistakes can be a means to failure or an opportunity.
I’ve made my share of mistakes in life (and continue to do so!), but I like to think that each one helps me become just a little bit smarter over time. This gave me a chance to share a couple of the mistakes I’ve made over the years on our way to financial independence.
We also talked about how we got started on the FIRE journey, the topic of FIRE in general, and our plans for the future.
I’d love it if you’d check out both my interview as well as some of the others he’s done. You’ll find it right here…
Fire Stories: Jim Achieved His Dreams of Building Wealth, Retiring Early, and Doing What He Wants… In Panama
Let me know what you think and thanks for reading!!
— Jim
Congrats on getting featured on firestories Jim! You always seem to get featured by various sites and podcasts! I might be little jealous in fact! 😉
Anyway, congrats! I read through the post and it was great! 🙂
Thanks, but I find it hard to believe that folks aren’t chomping at the bit to talk to you. If they aren’t, I’d be happy to send people your way just so I can get more scoop on the infamous Mr. Tako!
— Jim