The 10 Best Financial Podcasts

The 10 Best Financial PodcastsThe 10 Best Financial Podcasts???  Aren’t podcasts for nerds?  Who in the heck would listen to people droning on and on for an hour talk show?!

A couple years ago, that’s what I was thinking.  Then about a year ago, I canceled my Sirius XM radio subscription and learned something… local radio sucks.  Maybe that’s not the case for all areas, but where I live in Ohio, it’s horrendous.

So I was stuck.

Fine, I decided, I’ll give these “podcasts” a try.

And guess what – I’m glad I did.  Now that’s all I listen to during my commute to and from work every day.

But I don’t just listen to any podcasts – I listen, almost exclusively to personal finance podcasts.  I figure if I’m going to be listening to something, I might as well try to learn a few things along the way.

However, I’ve been through some real duds along the way.  Just because someone has the knowledge doesn’t mean it’s not going to put you to sleep.  A podcaster needs to be entertaining and fun… a little humor never hurts!

So why do I of all people get to decide which ones are the best?

Well, the good news is that this is my blog so my opinion gets to be the biggest deciding factor on if these are truly the best financial podcasts out there.

However, I’d be excited to hear in the comments if you have some others that maybe I and the other readers should be checking out.  Maybe there are some other worthy contenders for this list.

So let’s roll!  Here are what I consider to be…

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts



The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - BiggerPockets
Image via BiggerPockets

Ok, I’m starting off my best financial podcasts list with a niche… real estate.

My regular readers know that I think BiggerPockets is fantastic.  They focus on all the different avenues of making money in real estate and it’s truly amazing.

They don’t push you into a “this is how you have to do things” mentality.  It’s all about educating you about the pros and cons of all the different paths and letting you find what aligns best with your goals.

On top of it, they give away most everything for free.  This is one of the best sites to learn about real estate and grow a business based on it.

Then there’s the podcast.

I love it.  Josh Dorkin is the founder and CEO and he hosts the show along with his VP, Brandon Turner.  They have a great on-air chemistry and that, along with some good ribbing, makes the show entertaining.  They bring on guests that have experience in a specific facet of real estate and they just talk through everything together.

You can’t help but learn a ton from this show and you won’t be bored along the way!


The Million Dollar Plan Podcast 

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - Million Dollar Plan Podcast
Image via Pete the Planner

Pete the Planner hosts the Million Dollar Plan Podcast.  I don’t know how I came across this podcast, but I’m so glad I did.

Pete knows his stuff and will ensure that you learn a lot (I know I do!).  He’s also a comedian and brings just the right amount of humor to his show.

The theme to the podcast is that most anyone, particularly the ones that listen to this show, can become a millionaire.

Most of his shows will have a theme to them (health care, savings for kids’ college tuition, etc.) and sometimes he’ll bring in other experts to delve deeper into a subject.

I absolutely look forward to getting to this show in my podcast rotation every week and I’m sure you will too!


The Clark Howard Show

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - The Clark Howard Show
Image via Clark Howard

How could anyone not love Clark Howard?  Clark’s been a celebrity forever and he’s just the nicest guy in the world.

But don’t let that fool you – he knows what he’s talking about and he’s on a mission to help you… save more, spend less, and avoid getting ripped-off.

Clark’s show is actually a syndicated radio show and the majority of his show deals with listeners calling in with questions.

He’s great at asking the right questions and steering people in the direction they should be going.

Although some of the questions aren’t as sophisticated as others, the show’s entertaining and definitely worth listening to.

My wife and I used to catch his TV show on HLN years ago and loved it.  He can be a dork sometimes and when he would freak out, we couldn’t help but laugh.  Clark’s a great guy and has the interests of all of us consumers at heart.

This one ranks high on my list of best financial podcasts.


Afford Anything

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - Afford Anything
Image via Afford Anything

When someone becomes financially independent before age 30, you tend to want to listen to what that person has to say.  Paula Pant is one of those people and she’s well known in the personal finance realm.

Her podcast crosses various sectors of personal finance, but she seems to get pigeonholed as the real estate expert.

Regardless of what she’s talking about or if she’s answering questions from her listeners, she definitely provides some good content in a light-hearted manner.

Recently, she’s started to bring on Joe from Stacking Benjamins as a guest.  Joe’s a pretty entertaining guy and they really seem to click when they’re on together.

That’s the first time I had heard Joe before and that turned me onto his Stacking Benjamins podcast – you’ll find more info on that shortly.


Financial Independence Podcast

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - Financial Independence Podcast
Image via Mad Fientist

Brandon from the Mad Fientist seems like a guy I could hang with.  He’s a thinker (the guy’s studied the tax code!), but he’s laid back and enjoys a good beer or two!

He retired at 34 and recently wrote one of the best blog posts I’d read in a long time because he talks about the struggles of FI and not just the good.

The podcasts Brandon was making were few and far between for a while, but he’s ramped things up recently.  The episodes all have a guest that’s either attained or is on the path to financial independence.

One of my favorite episodes though was with his wife, Jill.  Not only is her Scottish accent captivating to listen to, but I love to hear the details on what the better halves of couples think about the FI journey.


Planet Money

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - Planet Money
Image via Planet Money: NPR

Joe at RetireBy40 turned me onto this podcast and I really enjoy it.

The episodes are short (usually 20-25 minutes) and cover unusual, but interesting topics (like the bank bailout or why there aren’t enough women in tech).

There are a number of different hosts and the presentation is more like a news story than anything, but that’s what makes it different.

Sure this one kind of snuck in since they don’t focus entirely on personal finance, but it’s a refreshing breather and very entertaining and educational.


Radical Personal Finance

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - Radical Personal Finance
Image via Radical Personal Finance

Joshua Sheats is unusual in that he quit his job as a financial planner specifically to focus on his podcasts.  He started doing his show 5 days a week back in 2014 (that’s got to be a lot of work!).

I like listening to the show because he keeps things real and a little more advanced on the financial aspect than most shows out there.

With each topic, Joshua doesn’t take the easy route – he dives into the nitty gritty of the topic, good and bad.  If you’re looking for a little more on the subject of personal finance, this is your podcast.


The Side Hustle Show

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - The Side Hustle Show
Image via Side Hustle Nation

Nick Loper had a great idea for his podcast… side hustles.

He definitely covers the gamut on his show with his guests.  One day you’ll hear from someone who’s making six figures a year with their blog and the next might be someone who’s making several thousand dollars a month from being a self-published author.

Nick’s fun because you can tell he’s truly intrigued by what his guests have to say.  He then tries to figure out how their advice can help him better his own side hustles.


The Rich Dad Radio Show

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - The Rich Dad Radio Show
Image via The Rich Dad Radio Show

Bring on the controversy!  Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad is almost always cited as the reason most people “woke up” and figured out that there’s more to life than working.  And with good reason!

That book was the second book I read from Kiyosaki.  It’s what inspired me to get into real estate and put me on the path to financial independence.

However, it seems like for as many people as there are who were put on the path to FI because of him, there are some hard-core critics as well.  Many people feel like he doesn’t provide enough substance or a step-by-step plan on how to make things happen (I have my arguments on that, but that’s a different story).

His show is definitely different from the others I’ve mentioned though.  It revolves around a theme of how the middle class is being eliminated and what you can do to protect yourself.

It might seem odd that this show makes the best financial podcasts list, but it’s important to take it for what it is and pull the good points out of it.  If you walk through life without thinking of all sides, you’re bound to be blindsided.  It’s good to get a different perspective on things every now and again.


Stacking Benjamins Podcast

The 10 Best Financial Podcasts - Stacking Benjamins Podcast
Image via The Stacking Benjamins Network

I’m a little new to this podcast, but I’m liking what I hear so far.  It’s different.  Joe and OG take on a variety of money topics, but they make sure to have some laughs along the way.

And, like I said, that’s what I’m all about… I want to hear different perspectives and learn, but I want to be entertained as part of the process.  Man, I’m picky!

They bring on some good guests to join in the discussions (some of whom I’ve already mentioned in my other podcasts).  This show seems to deliver, so it’s worth checking out if you’re unfamiliar with it.

As a bonus, I have a few podcasts that are on my list to listen to in the near future, but I haven’t gotten to them yet:

  • The Smart Passive Income Podcast – Go ahead and yell at me – of course I should be listening to Pat Flynn.  Where have I been?!  Don’t worry, it should make my next round of listening… patience, people! 🙂
  • Millennial Money Minutes – A completely different way of doing podcasts, these aim to be around 5 minutes long.  So, if you’re a guy or gal that gets easily bored, you probably wouldn’t have much of a chance here.  I’m interested to hear the topics they aim to discuss in that short amount of time.
  • Masters of Money – Philip Taylor (aka PT Money) is the founder of FinCon and a real entrepreneur.  For those reasons alone, I’m excited to check out his show and it’s on my to-do list.

I’ve heard good things these and can’t wait to hear them… maybe they’ll make the Best Financial Podcasts II list.  🙂  If you’re familiar with any of them, let me know your thoughts.

So there you have it – a lot of good listening.  You might not agree with all of these, but hopefully, you found one or two new ones to check out.  Hope you enjoy!  Now it’s your turn…

What would you add to the list of the best financial podcasts?


Thanks for reading!!

— Jim

You know you wanna share this!!

24 thoughts on “The 10 Best Financial Podcasts”

  1. I will have to check these out. I have listened to the financial independence podcast and enjoy it. Two others that I enjoy are the pt money podcast and do you even blog. Thanks for this list.

  2. “Listen Money Matters” is the reason I discovered the PF community and the great source of information in PF podcasts. Since then my commute have turned into something I’m actually looking forward to. “Dough Roller” is phenomenal and last but not least the MadFientist. For some time I listened to the “Money Tree Podcast” but my interest has faded away. Will definitely check out some of the others you’ve shared.

  3. I’m trying to figure this out because I save money monthly for my once a year property taxes, which skews my monthly saving rate high, and drops my yearly rate. Maybe I shouldn’t be doing math on a Sunday night. 🙂

  4. Thank you for sharing your fave podcasts on FI, some of which are unfamiliar, A personal favorite is “Investing From The Beach”. Two coworkers each reached FI, via stock trading/investing. They talk about a variety of approaches to time freedom (their term for FI). They stress that a big component to reach FI is how you think, and only a small portion is how you do; Definitely worth listening to.

  5. Thanks for this – I hadn’t heard of The Million Dollar Plan, so will add that to my playlist. I listen to many hours of personal finance podcasts a week.

    Top of the list is Choose FI but also want to give a shout out to Gwen and J at the FIRE Drill podcast.

    And for something a bit different, Invest Like a Boss is worth a listen too – two self made entrepreneurs that explore the more cutting edge investments.

    1. I wrote this post a while back and since then, I would have have to agree, ChooseFI should be at the top of the list – amazing! I actually just started binge listening to FIRE Drill last week and I’m really liking that one as well.

      Invest Like a Boss is new to me so I’ll have to check it out – thanks for the recommendation!

      — Jim

  6. Some great tips here! Will do my best to check them all out. Also, I would LOVE if JL Collins and Mr.Money Moustache started their own podcasts as they are the two that got me into the FI philosophy initially.

  7. Are their any podcast for families that are starting their journey to F.I.? I am new to the community and want to know some of the obstacles that families go thru during their journey? Any suggestions?

    1. Welcome to the FI community! I haven’t updated this post in a while, but I’d definitely recommend that you check out the Choose FI podcast – Jonathan and Brad discuss a broad range and will motivate you and tell the good and the bad along with some of the obstacles you might run into. Another good one is Andy at Marriage, Kids and Money. He’s a family man and that’s his main focus.

      Good luck and make sure to come back and visit!

      — Jim

  8. You might be interested in a new podcast that gives an alternative take on FI – The Unconstrained Podcast. It is about financial sustainability, but is a more holistic approach to both financial and life independence. They are just starting out, but the first couple of episodes are incredible. Well worth checking out. They are on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Pocketcasts. Their website is

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