
Mint Mobile Review: 1 Year Later – Does It Live Up to the Hype?

Mint Mobile Review: 1 Year Later – Does It Live Up to the Hype?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, there’s no doubt you’ve seen the Mint Mobile commercials with Ryan Reynolds. The ads are a little quirky and fun and they promote the idea that the service is great while the prices are low. Hopefully, those commercials will continue since they can be entertaining. Mint Mobile was acquired by T-Mobile earlier this year netting Ryan Reynolds a nice $300 million paycheck but he agreed to stay on as a spokesperson. Mint seems […]

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A Month-Long Vacation in Boquete, Panama: What I Loved… and What I Didn’t

A Month-Long Vacation in Boquete, Panama: What I Loved… and What I Didn’t

Well, we just wrapped up a month-long vacation in Boquete, Panama. Wow, I missed it here! For those of you who aren’t regular readers, we lived in Boquete for just shy of three years starting in 2019 before returning to the U.S. in the spring of 2022. Moving back to the U.S. was a difficult decision that has both its pros and cons but either way, it was great to be back there again. This trip came about because of

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Running Out of Money To Save $52: Is It Worth It?

Running Out of Money To Save $52: Is It Worth It?

Here we are cruising along into almost 5 years of early retirement. It’s been a heckuva blessed ride… life’s been good for sure! But now we’re at a pivot point that will likely make running out of money by the end of this month a good possibility. Wait, what? Aren’t you guys millionaires? How is that even possible and what the heck is going on?! It’s not as bad as it sounds but I’m pushing things right to the wire

Running Out of Money To Save $52: Is It Worth It? Read More »

Evolving from Sense of Purpose to Presence: Savoring the "Now" More

Evolving from Sense of Purpose to Presence: Savoring the “Now” More

I’ve always thought that an essential part of life included finding a sense of purpose. After all, if you didn’t add anything worthwhile to the world, was your life just a waste of time? So that’s always been something I’ve had in the back of my mind and it certainly became a little more in the forefront of my thoughts once I retired early at the end of 2018. Like most things though, I got wrapped up in our daily

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You Gotta Spend Money To Make Money, Right? Our Monster Travel Experiment

You Gotta Spend Money To Make Money, Right? Our Monster Travel Experiment

We all know the saying “You gotta spend money to make money.” I’ve never bought into that but with this major change we’re making, I’ve really got my fingers crossed that it’ll run true. You see, my family and I made a big decision not even a month ago. We’ve decided to wrap up the lease to our apartment here in Ohio later this summer, put our stuff in storage, and travel around the country with an RV travel trailer

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Limited Time, Unlimited Dreams: 3 Steps to an Extraordinary Life

Limited Time, Unlimited Dreams: 3 Steps to an Extraordinary Life

As I find my way closer to 50 (I’ll be 48 in a couple of months), I’m starting to see those small changes creeping up that I thought only happen to old people. Oh crap, am I old?!! Out of nowhere, my eyes have gotten a little weaker – both near and far! I can see close-up pretty well most of the time but I finally broke down and bought some readers for nighttime reading. The same goes for distance.

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10-Year Wait Over: Our Refreshing Small Getaway Alone

10-Year Wait Over: Our Refreshing Small Getaway Alone

My wife, Lisa, and I used to be the king and queen of the small getaway. We took trips every chance we could… and then we had our daughter, Faith, almost 13 years ago. That changed everything. And that change was wonderful for sure… but the small getaway with just me and Lisa seemed to find its way out the door. Eventually, I retired from my working career at the age of 43 at the end of 2018. It was

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Is Temu Legit? Here’s How I’m Saving Big With This Fun App

Is Temu Legit? Here’s How I’m Saving Big With This Fun App

So I’ve been playing a Mahjong game on my phone periodically when I get a few minutes here and there. My wife, Lisa, loves to rag on me and tell me that it’s a game for 95-year-old women but I enjoy it so I’ll just graciously accept my lumps from her. But the game does have its share of ads in it that you can’t pay to remove (though I’d probably be too cheap to do so anyway). For the

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Boost Your Child’s Credit Score With This Simple Trick

Boost Your Child’s Credit Score With This Simple Trick

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been trying to give my daughter the hook-up on her credit lately. Yes, Faith’s only 12, but that’s even more of a reason to work on it now – this will put her on the right track so she’ll be starting out strong. A few weeks ago, I discussed Freezing Your Child’s Credit: Why It’s Critical and How To Do It. This was the first step I wanted to do to make sure she

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Master the Art of Anticipation: How Travel Planning Can Double Your Vacation Fun!

Master the Art of Anticipation: How Travel Planning Can Double Your Vacation Fun!

It’s hard not to enjoy a good vacation… a chance to get away from the “same old” just for a little while. Traveling can be an opportunity to visit places you’ve never been, see new sites, meet interesting people, and maybe even try some different foods! Whether traveling just a short distance away, flying to another country, or cruising around the world, just the idea of travel gets the vacation-goer chomping at the bit. And that’s what’s so interesting –

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